Organization: Melli  Bank
Location: IRAN
Industry segment: Banking & finance
Products: PARADOX SPECTRA Series
Application: residential or commercial installations that require up to 32 zones of protection

The Premiere Bank in IRAN
The year 1307(1928) should be regarded as a turning point in Iran’s banking and economic history. It was in that year that after nearly 40 years of foreign dominance on the country’s banking scene, BankMelli Iran, the first Iranian commercial bank was established and the long cherished aspiration of the Iranian nation turned into reality .

With the establishment of Bank Melli Iran and consequential suspension of foreign banks licences, the then disorderly economic trend of the country was reversed and the newly founded bank began to gather momentum in strengthening of the economic structure and development of agriculture, industry and commerce by mobilizing the huge financial resources and popular savings and by chanelling credits toward productive activities.

During the 79 year period ensuing the foundation of Bank Melli Iran the country has witnessed a great deal of changes and turnarounds.

Bank Melli Iran which had been founded as a result of an economic exigency, developed at later stages into an active and dynamic element assuming an accelerating role in the country’s economic advancement.

In the year 1310(1931) parliament granted sole powers to Bank Melli Iran to issue banknotes, thus establishing the bank as the country’s bank of issue. Thereafter the bank assumed responsibility for additional central bank functions including government banking operations, the regulation of currency circulation, maintenance of balance of payments surpluses, credit regulation as well as supervision of the country’s banking system.

In the year 1339 (1960) pursuant to the promulgation of the State Banking and Monetary law and the establishment of Bank Markazi Iran  ( The Central Bank ), Bank Melli Iran relinquished its central banking functions.

Such development enabled Bank Melli Iran to concentrate more fully on commercial banking transactions and to achieve further success by taking long strides on that front.

About Spectra:

Spectra offers a combination of innovative features and an advanced communication bus for a unique expandable security system. Through its communication bus, Spectra can be expanded via wireless and hardwired expansion modules and a variety of accessory modules. With its reliable communication technology, flexible expansion and great-looking keypads, Spectra is an ideal security system for any residential or commercial installations that require up to 32 zones of protection.

With the introduction of the SP series, the reliability of Spectra panels is expanded to provide you with more features, such as StayD, more on-board zones (expandable to 32), more on-board PGMs (expandable to 16), and support for the new GSM Module (PCS Series), Plug-In Voice Dialer (VDMP3) and Internet Module (IP100). With their in-field firmware upgrade capability, the Spectra SP series allows installers to upgrade their system without hassle — quickly, easily and on site. And to further facilitate installation, every Spectra SP series panel can be configured using easy-to-follow menu-driven programming.

Experience a new way of living with StayD offered in the Spectra SP Series. StayD simplifies your life and makes it safer by protecting you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without ever having to disarm the system – even when entering an armed area. StayD lives with you and protects you at all times, without any unprotected periods, and while automatically re-arming the system so you don’t have to remember to do it.

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