Whether Your Cameras Are Hacked?
Since the cybersecurity of video surveillance cameras is becoming an increasingly common problem, it is important for customers to be able to realize when their device has come under attack. This is not always easy as different surveillance products may have different vulnerabilities, but with some extra care, you may be able to manage early detection. “In many cases, it is […]
Preventing Security Cameras from Being Hacked
Even the devices we rely on for security and privacy are susceptible to malicious attack. Use these tips to lower the odds of your security camera getting hacked. As the number of connected gadgets around your home increases, so do your chances of getting hacked. Those odds are still very small, but it does happen. “Internet of things” devices pose […]
Bank Security Camera Systems
For good reason, banks are often seen as the most secure institutions on the planet. We entrust them with our money, and it’s their job to keep it safe. In order to fulfill this commitment, top-notch bank video surveillance systems are a necessity. With recent innovations in digital technology and IP surveillance, many banks are looking to […]
Setup IP Surveillance Systems in Banks
Banking industry is one of core market sectors in video surveillance industry. Banks need high grade video surveillance systems to monitor their transaction offices and branches. IP technology is today’s trend. Many new security installers/integrators really want to know how to setup/design IP video surveillance systems for bank. Generally, a typical network video surveillance system consists of network […]
Considerations for Selecting a Multisensor Camera
Multisensor cameras boast various advantages, among them coverage of wide areas with fewer devices and reduced installation and maintenance cost. But as with all other IT or electronic devices, there are various things to consider when selecting a multisensor camera. At the same time, there are certain installation tips that the user/installer may find helpful. Basically, […]
How to Choose the Best Camera for Your Job
From dome, to bullet, to panoramic cameras, there are more surveillance camera options on the market today than ever before. With expanding camera functionalities, how does a security director decide which camera is right for their facility? Ask yourself: Why are we putting a camera here? An important part of choosing a camera is determining the desired […]
How Deep Learning Makes Cities Safer
Video systems have become a cornerstone of citywide safety and security—but these systems are already producing more video than cities can use. Finding staff to monitor video feeds and search archives has been an ongoing challenge. And as more cameras are deployed, the problem is growing. “To customize an AI algorithm for a new application […]
What Benefits Does SMT Bring?
Needless to say, smart manufacturing technology has been deployed in more and more factories around the globe. Specifically, manufacturers are relying on Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices and the data they generate to achieve various objectives, chief among them predictive maintenance and remote monitoring. IIoT, also known as Industry 4.0, has been touted as the […]
How to Define Smart Factories
Perhaps the buzzword of this decade is ‘smart’. No industry is exempt from it. From phones to homes and buildings are trying to get the tag. And one industry that is taking serious interest in it is manufacturing. Known by various names, from smart, intelligent factories to the larger concept of industry 4.0, the manufacturing sector […]
Implementing AI in Video Surveillance
The number of cameras being installed at establishments is on the rise as customers become more and more aware of the necessity and benefits of security solutions. But this brings with it several unique problems. In the earlier days, while the number of cameras wasn’t that high, security personnel could afford to sit in front of a […]