Top 5 Reasons: Deploy Multimodal Biometrics
Several years ago, if you questioned most identity management professionals whether they imagined the use of biometrics for individual identification management would turn out to become mainstream for authentication security, a majority would have said that the technology could be used in some areas, but only few could have forecasted the tremendous scale and scope of some […]
Deep Learning in Facial Recognition Cameras
More and more, AI and deep learning algorithms are applied to facial recognition to make it more effective and accurate, especially in less-than-ideal situations. Similarly, with advances in camera hardware, deep learning is embedded in facial recognition cameras also. Deep learning entails the computer extracting features by itself, with little to no manual intervention. The more features it extracts, including features that are […]
What is Deep Learning?
Deep Learning is a hot buzz nowadays and has firmly put down its roots in a vast multitude of industries that are investing in fields like Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Analytics. For example, Google is using deep learning in its voice and image recognition algorithms whereas Netflix and Amazon are using it to understand the behavior of their […]
Deep Learning Mechanism
Deep learning is one of the only methods by which we can overcome the challenges of feature extraction. This is because deep learning models are capable of learning to focus on the right features by themselves, requiring little guidance from the programmer. Basically, deep learning mimics the way our brain functions i.e. it learns from experience. As […]
Transmission in Large Sites
Needless to say, transmission is a vital component in a video surveillance system for large sites, for example utilities, power plants, airports and manufacturing facilities. Getting the necessary data and power delivered to the right place and the right equipment is critical in maintaining the reliability and integrity of the system as a whole. Choosing the right […]
What Is VSaaS & How Does It Work
Video Surveillance as a Service is a web-hosted, wireless security system that allows users to remotely store, manage, record, play and monitor surveillance footage – entirely in the cloud. The footage is not stored onsite, and users don’t need recording software, only an IP camera system, an Internet connection and a VSaaS provider. How does VSaaS work? […]
VSaaS: The Basics of Surveillance as a Service
Software as a service (SaaS) and cloud computing have swept the IT world, thanks in large part to promises of cost savings, ease of management and use-it-as-you-need-it operations. So it’s no surprise that SaaS has come to video surveillance. VSaaS systems—also known as hosted or managed video surveillance—are now offered by newcomers and traditional camera and video management software […]
What is Cloud Computing, in Simple Terms?
Cloud computing is the delivery of on-demand computing services — from applications to storage and processing power — typically over the internet and on a pay-as-you-go basis. Rather than owning their own computing infrastructure or data centers, companies can rent access to anything from applications to storage from a cloud service provider. One benefit of using cloud computing […]
What Is a Cloud Service?
The cloud is ubiquitous. It’s everywhere even though we rarely notice it. You interact with the cloud starting first thing in the morning as you check your phone for new emails before you even get out of bed. The cloud is there again when you use your phone’s maps app to check traffic conditions on […]
Three Ways to Use Cloud as a Service
FLEXIBILITY, SIMPLICITY, CHOICE. These are among the biggest driving forces behind cloud computing. Just as we have come to expect to be able to watch movies or play games whenever we want online, cloud computing offers a way to tap into computing resources on demand: data, computing, applications and services. On-demand computing is a delivery model […]