Social media has undoubtedly become a major platform for marketing; however, research shows that the security industry is a bit of an outlier when it comes to this trend. a&s reached out to several companies to hear about their perception of social media marketing and its effectiveness.

Social media marketing has huge potential. Unlike trade shows or magazines which require substantial investment and expenses, even small companies with limited resources can use it to reach big audiences around the world. Another advantage is that since it is digital, it is measurable much more than traditional media. Marketers can quickly gain insight into what really interests customers in far greater detail than magazines or trade shows.

The large number of social media platforms makes successful marketing challenging. In order to successfully get a message across, cross-platform sharing is necessary.

Didarc, as a company in the security field, has a lots of content on youTube for making quick announcements by sharing links to news stories, press announcements, or pages from our company website. Other platforms reach out to specific audiences: new players, like Facebook and Telegram, speak to a young audience. If you are active in in the Middle East, you’ll want to sign up for google+, if you have a very visual product, get an Instagram account. But in all cases, the idea is to share acroos platforms.”